June 21-26, 2022
Residence of the Compagnons Lyriques 2022 in Dieue-sur-Meuse
The first major project of the Compagnons Lyriques, the 2022 residency, consisted of creating a musical in the Verdun region, working to reach the young instrumentalists of the territory to communicate a little of the artistic emulation that we can feel in the conservatories where we are students.

March 2, 2023
Take the opportunity to participate in the production of a zarzuela, a Spanish lyrical genre close to comic opera and rarely represented in France. On the occasion of the centenary of the creation of Doña Francisquita, masterpiece of the genre, this production will take you on a journey through endearing love triangles against a background of permanent celebration in the colors of Madrid in carnival. Applications open until March 14, auditions on March 17 and 18 in Paris, send CV and professional photo to contact@compagnonslyriques.fr

History of dances in Vincennes
September 11, 2022
As part of the neighborhood breaks organized by the city of Vincennes in September, the Compagnons Lyriques offered a commented recital around the theme of the dance suite. Taking up excerpts from the musical Les Danses du Quai created in June in Verdun in a reduced formation, the show was an opportunity to return from a more analytical point of view to this concept of the dance suite, illustrating each number played from repertoire examples explained and analyzed live.

Les Compagnons Lyriques
Who are we?
Les Compagnons Lyriques are a collective and orchestra of young people dedicated to the democratization of lyrical genres (opera, musical comedy, operetta, zarzuela). Our subject is that of a generation of artists in the process of professionalization, anxious to participate in the reweaving of the link with the public in a sector seriously disturbed by two years of pandemic. Aware of our responsibility in filling the halls of tomorrow and the sustainability of the disciplines in which we are involved, we wish to meet our generation to give a taste of our repertoire to those who are not familiar with it.
The Compagnons Lyriques were born from three observations: a large audience is deprived of opera by simple self-censorship because of an elitist image of the genre (1), opera performances are highly concentrated in Île-de-France (2) and student instrumentalists have little opportunity to participate in operatic productions (3). ​ Our objective is to respond to these three observations. The solution that we are trying to develop is as follows: bring together students in higher instrumental and vocal cycles and allow them to organize their own productions throughout the territory, to reach as wide an audience as possible and disseminate an attractive image. lyrical genres.
Our method depends on both geography and the choice of repertoire. In terms of geography, we are spread over several cities in France and abroad (currently Paris, Toulouse, Nantes, Nancy, Brussels). Our operation is decentralized: our members organize their own shows in the countryside close to their place of study, with our support in logistics and communication. The aim of this operation is to multiply the number of youth initiatives and thereby to disseminate as much as possible a sporty and dynamic image of the opera. In terms of the choice of repertoire, we choose to represent not only opera but also its lighter cousins ​​(musical comedy, operetta, zarzuela), which we consider as a gateway to lyrical art and which allow create more spontaneous and immediate engagement
Our team

Theophile Lepage
Music Director

Pierre Venissac
Artistic coordinator
Stage manager and singing coach

Louna Pitschi
General secretary

Myrto Parmantier

Etienne Vibert
Chargé de production et bibliothèque